,,Every piece of jewelry has a story to tell. It's a jewel with a soul.’’ ...
... the street style is the mirror of a society, socially, economically, aesthetically......
‘’Every century has, perhaps, a mal du siècle of its own. Ours pushes us not to have patience...
,,Eleganta nu depinde de bani, cel mai important lucru este atentia. Atentie in alegerea garderobei. Atentie la felul cum purtam hainele. Atentie la felul cum le pastram.’’ ...
‘’Fashion should be simple. Life is already complicated enough.’’ ...
,,J'ai essayé de montrer que la mode est un art.’’ ...
,,Boldini was a fashionable portrait painter. He 'did' all the grandes dames of Paris. [...
,,Une robe parisienne n’est pas réellement faite avec de l’étoffe, elle est faite avec les rues, avec les colonnades […] elle est glanée dans la vie et dans le livre, dans le musée et dans l’imprévu du jour. Ce n’est rien qu’une robe et tout...
Verdele, in ciuda asocierii sale cu invidia, otrava si raul, sugereaza astazi prospetime, un nou inceput, viata, politica ecologista, liniste si evoca imagini idilice si linistitoare. Este aproape o culoare terapuetica pentru cine crede in puterea de vindecare a culorilor....
''Nascut in purpura'' ...
''An industry that creates dreams.'' - Alber Elbaz ...
All stories start with a first word because ‘language is the house of being’ (M.H.) as someone smart used to say. Ours starts in ‘awe’ and with AWE. Back in 1300 when this word was allegedly used for the first time, it meant ‘fear, terror, great...